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Expense Policy

This Expense Framework is crafted to orient employees and contractors of Luvah the Handyman® ("the Company") on the adapted procedures for managing and allocating expenses during their service. The emphasis is on a flexible, on-demand budget management system, ensuring that all business-related expenditures are justified, necessary, and aligned with the Company's interests.

Scope This framework is applicable to all employees and contractors of Luvah the Handyman® engaged in activities necessitating budgetary expenditures on behalf of the Company.

General Guidelines

Necessity and Prudence: Expenditures should be imperative for the execution of job responsibilities and prudent in magnitude.

Compliance: All expenditures must align with company policies and relevant tax regulations.

Budget Allocation and Adjustment: Expenditures will be managed via budget allotments specific to each project or task. Requests for budget adjustments must be documented and submitted for approval.

Documentation and Disbursement: Instead of traditional invoices, all expenses will be handled through documented budget allotments. Any residual funds will be returned to the client. Approved methods for disbursing and reimbursing funds include Venmo, Zelle, or CashApp.Permissible ExpendituresTravel and Accommodation: Costs for transportation, lodging, and meals during business

travel, adhering to a modest standard unless a justification is provided.

Tools and Equipment: Essential tools and equipment not already supplied by the Company.

Materials and Supplies: Necessary materials for projects not directly billed to clients.

Professional Growth: Expenses related to approved training, certifications, or courses.

Operational Expenses: Other necessary expenditures for business operations, subject to approval.

Impermissible Expenditures

Personal Expenses: Costs unrelated to business activities.

Alcoholic Beverages: Unless sanctioned for client engagements, within modest limits.

Luxury Items and Services: Excessive accommodations or services.

Fines and Penalties: Expenses due to violations of laws or company policies.

Expense Management and Reimbursement

Budget Management: Expenses to be managed through designated budget allocations, with documentation required for adjustments.

Review and Adjustment: Budget usage will be reviewed for adherence to this framework.

Adjustments or queries will be addressed promptly.

Reimbursement: Approved budget adjustments will be processed through designated reimbursement channels.

Approval and Budget Adjustment Process

Pre-Approval: Significant budget allocations require prior approval from the designated authority.

Approval Authority: Supervisors or managers are responsible for approving budget adjustments. Significant adjustments necessitate higher-level approval.

Framework Violations Non-adherence to this framework may lead to disciplinary measures, including potential termination of employment or contract, and may necessitate the reimbursement of unapproved expenditures.

Modifications to the Framework Luvah the Handyman® retains the authority to amend or update this framework as necessary. All employees and contractors will be informed of any changes.Inquiries For questions regarding this Expense Framework, contact the finance department or your supervisor.